NVSAA Events

Join Industry Peers at One of NVSAA’s Education Courses or Signature Events

Signature Events

NVSAA Signature Events are events that typically take place on an annual basis and include the following (subject to change):

  • Kickoff Mixer (No. NV and So. NV)
  • Market Trends (So. NV)
  • Reverse Trade Show (So. NV)
  • Golf Tournament (So. NV)
  • Poker (So. NV)
  • Summer Mixer (No. NV and So. NV)
  • Bowling (No. NV and So. NV)
  • Maintenance Appreciation (No. NV and So. NV)
  • Jewel Awards (No. NV and So. NV)

Other Events

NVSAA will have events pop up on an as-needed basis so always come back here to the website to stay updated!